Sales Order/Art 1.0


Version 1.0




The following guide is used to understand how Cimpress Sales Orders are to be processed, how art is obtained and setup, and how to troubleshoot orders.


We created a custom Web Service for Cimpress to POST their orders to us in JSON format. Our “Cimpress Web Service” (referred to as simply Web Service in this document) is always “listening” for a POSTED order, which can happen at any time of day.

When an order is posted, if there are no errors either with the JSON message itself, or with the Authentication credentials, the order is immediately written to the Cimpress Database on the Vantage SQL server, and a log file is created in JSON format containing the entire posted message.


The Order Status Process Runs every hour on a schedule. Orders are checked for status changes and are updated during this process. The following lists the Status of orders in the Vantage SQL Database as shown in the VAT…

RECEIVED = Order was sent to us, the credentials were correct, and there were no JSON errors, the status is set to RECEIVED. If there are errors our Web service responds with an HTTP error code, and the order is NOT written to our database.

REJECTED (pre upload) = If the Expected Ship Date is missing, or Line Items are missing, or “US” is not the Ship To Country, the order is REJECTED, and the “Rejected” message is sent to Cimpress.

ACCEPTED = If the Expected Ship Date is OK, and Line Items exist, and “US” is the Ship To Country, the order is ACCEPTED, and the “Accepted” message is sent to Cimpress.

REJECTED (during upload) = Cimpress must provide a “manufacturingReadyDataUrl” with each line item of the order. This link downloads an additional JSON file (Art JSON) that contains the link to the artwork file, the Width and Height of the decoration, and any colors/threads needed to produce the order. If there are problems with the artwork JSON, or the decoration type, or if there is a mismatch between the Deco Type and the artwork, or if the art JSON or artwork file cannot be downloaded for any reason, the order status is set to REJECTED, and the “Rejected” message is sent to Cimpress.

UPLOADED = The order is uploaded to Impress, status in the database changes to UPLOADED.

WIP = Once the order is released in Impress, the status in the database changes to WIP, and the “Production Started” message is sent to Cimpress.

SHIPPED = Once shipped, the status in the database changes to SHIPPED, and the “ProductionFulfilled” message is sent to Cimpress for all the shipped items.

PARTSHIP = If an order has partially shipped and there a are backorderd pieces, the status in the database changes to PARTSHIP, and the “ProductionFulfilled” message is sent to Cimpress for only the shipped items.

ERROR = This is typically an upload failure, either caused by Impress timeout, or some other data problem and must be looked at by our Ecomm department.

CANCELLED = Order is shorted in Impress.



All Cimpress orders that exist in the database can be viewed in VAT…




By default, only the last 30 days of orders are fetched from the database.

Orders are displayed in the grid, paginated into groups of 100 orders, additional orders are available for viewing using page numbers below the grid.

The Merchant and Status Dropdown boxes can be used to filter orders.

Use the search box to search for any order placed at any time. You can search using the “ShortFulfillmentOrderID” (starts with an F character), or using the “FulfillmentOrderID” (32 character string often used by Cimpress personnel to identify their orders).

The Details Button on each order line is used to view additional order details including line items.

The JSON Button on each order line is used to view the transmitted JSON order file.

The Cimpress Button is used to open the Cimpress portal to view the Order from within their platform.



Order Header information is displayed at the top of the page, scroll to see all values.

The Line items are displayed in the Item Detail grid below.

·         ItemID - Cimpress Line Item number

·         VantageSKU – This is the garment SKU for Vantage Items

·         Vendor SKU – This is the SanMar PartID, sent when they are ordering SanMar products only.

·         Garment Design – Garment Design code created during the upload process.

·         Quantity – number of pieces being ordered.

·         DecoID – Decoration design code from impress created during the upload process.

·         Deco Type – E=Embroidery, S=Screenprint, B=DTF Heat Transfer)

·         Location – They pass in our codes, for example LC=LeftChest, RC=RightChest, FC=FullChest etc..

·         Deco Price – Derived decoration price during upload process.

·         Shipped? – Shipping information for the item displayed only after the item has shipped.

·         Deco Button – Open the Deco Popup to display info for the Art JSON file including the Art JSON file, the File Download link, and any color information.



View JSON – this allows you to view the Artwork JSON instructions sent in the “ManuacturingReadyDataURL” from the order. (In Chrome, click the “Pretty Print” for better readability)

Files – Right Click to download art.

Colorway – Displays thread steps for embroidery, or single pantone color for screenprint.


The JSON Button is used to open the order JSON in a new browser tab.

(In Chrome, click the “Pretty Print” for better readability)

Important things to note…

“manufacturingReadyDataUrl” is the Link to download the Artwork JSON file. This MUST download a JSON file, if it downloads an image instead, this is a problem on Cimpress side, and the order would be REJECTED with “invalid_doc_for_sku”.

“productManufacturingData” is the collection of nodes for each Line Item that are used to identify what is being ordered. The Required Fields are:

·         Vantage SKU Number – This is the Vantage Full SKU (if ordering vantage product)

·         Vendor SKU – This is the SanMar or Alpha ProductID (if ordering sourced product)

·         DecorationLocation – This is the Vantage Location Code (IE… LF, RF, FC etc)

·         DECORATION TYPE – (embroidery, screenprint, colorprint, heattransfer)

If DecorationLocation is not a valid code, this is an error. If Deco Type is not one of the valid entries, this is also an error. If Sourced product is being ordered, the ProductID or the VantageSKU number must be valid.


·         Reject Order – Used to REJECT an order for any reason after the order has been uploaded. Select the Rejection Code from the list and add additional freeform text for Cimpress personnel. After any order is marked as REJECT, the system will send the rejection to Cimpress, if successful transmission, the system will mark the order as REJECTED.


·         Mark As Cancelled – Used to mark the order status as CANCEL. After any order is marked as CANCEL, the system will send the cancellation message to Cimpress, if successful transmission, the system will mark the order as CANCELLED.

·         Re-Try Upload – can be used if order status is ERROR, and Reason is “unknown” to re-attempt the Upload.



View JSON – this allows you to search for any JSON order file.




Customer PO and Web order number are the “ShortFulfillmentGroupID” form Cimpress. Both can be searched in Impress.

Comments show the Ship From Address to be used on the Shipping Label.


Garment Design number is the “ShortItemID” of the first item sharing the Garment Design.

Item price is derived using the following calculation:

·         Cimpress Item Price (CP)  = (Vantage Price * 1.05) or (Catalog Price * 1.1)

·         Decoration Price (DP)= Derived using a hardcoded Price Table

·         Total Item Quantity (TQ)

·         Impress Price = (CP +  DP) * TQ


Garment Design number is the “ShortItemID” of the first item sharing the Garment Design.

Decoration List Description is the “ShortItemID” of the first item sharing the Decoration.

The “Instructions” area includes a link to the art folder where the DST and Work Order are located. The art folder is located at the following Path: \\winfs4\Dept\Art\Cimpress

The following art files are required…

·         Embroidery = .DST 

·         Screenprint = .AI

·         Heat Transfer (DTF) = .PNG

·         Screenprint < 18 pieces = Converted to DTF, AI file is converted to PNG.

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