This document outlines the processes and responsibilities for integrating with Fanatics’ custom EDI and API systems. It includes steps for onboarding, sales order management, packing and shipping, invoicing, and IT processes. Each department is responsible for maintaining internal documentation and training their teams.
GD Setup and Mockups
CSR sets up GD and creates mockups.
Action: SME to document the detailed process.
School License Submission
CSR and team submit for school license approval.
Action: SME to document the steps.
Royalty Codes
CS and/or Daniella S set up royalty codes for garment designs.
Customer Cross Reference Maintenance
CSR performs the following steps: a. Enter GD#. b. Enter SKU. c. Assign UPC#. d. Set EDI 846 flag to “Inactive.” e. Send details to Fanatics to receive their SKU (8-10 digits). f. Once the Fanatics SKU is received, update the inventory line and mark the 846 flag as “Active” if the license is approved. g. When an item cannot be sold, set the EDI 846 flag to “ZERO” to clear it from Fanatics’ inventory. h. Note: Do not delete UPCs after submission; they cannot be recycled. i. The “846” checkbox is currently unused; use the “ZERO” workaround for inventory clearance.
Action: SME to document detailed steps.
Additional Steps
Other requirements as determined by Eric E or the customer.
Action: SME to document.
New Order Information Review/QA
Verify: a. Ship-to address. b. Ship date. c. Shipping method for HI, AK, or special handling. d. Inventory availability. e. Decoration and colorway accuracy.
Notify the Fanatics team about any issues.
Action: SME to document detailed QA steps.
Additional Steps
Include any processes not documented yet.
Action: SME to document.
EDI 855 Acknowledgment
Confirm all orders within 24 hours.
Mark changes or cancellations as “Accept with changes” or “Reject” for each line.
Action: SME to document.
Approve Sales Orders for Production
CSR approves orders after QA and acknowledgment.
Manifest Label Creation
Generate UCC128 labels (required by Fanatics EDI).
Consolidated Shipments
Ensure all order quantities ship together. No backorders or multiple shipments.
Shipping Updates in Impress
Confirm that Impress Shipping Integrator updates weight and tracking information.
Manually update if necessary.
Release Shipment for ASN
Follow prompts to release the shipment and submit ASN.
ASN Review
Shipping manager reviews orders for discrepancies or ASN errors.
Action: Document how to check and submit ASNs.
Submit ASNs
Finalize ASN submissions for Fanatics orders.
Invoice Preview
Check for partial shipments or missing ASNs.
Batch Invoice
Process and post invoices for Fanatics shipments.
Hourly EDI Process (Impress ERP)
At the 53rd minute of every hour: a. Retrieve incoming EDI files (850, 860, 99#) from OpenText SFTP. b. Send pending EDI files (855, 856 ASN, 810 invoices, 99# acknowledgments). c. Preprocess and upload Fanatics POs (850) based on system logic. d. Check for transaction confirmations (24-hour alert for missing acknowledgments). e. Notify IT of exceptions or completion.
Daily Inventory Update (EDI 846)
Use APIs/JSON for inventory updates (no EDI/XML).
Batch processes: a. Nightly SKU table copy for completeness. b. Live inventory updates (hourly). c. PO and receipt updates (twice daily). d. API calls for Fanatics inventory at 5 AM.
Daily hot folder review and batch processing checks.
UPC Management
UPCs are unique and non-recyclable (GS1 2018 standard).
Cross-Reference Setup
Maintain accurate 846 flags and SKU references.
Utility Tools
Restricted to Billing, Shipping, and CS for Fanatics orders.
Avoid during busy hours to prevent crashes or data corruption.
For detailed instructions, please contact the respective Subject Matter Expert or refer to internal documentation.