Full mailbox - Front Users

Full mailbox - Front Users

Front Users

FrontApp users – you must go to https://outlook.live.com/owa/ to open outlook web application with your windows credentials

Once in Outlook Web or for non-Front users in Outlook itself empty your Deleted and Junk folders also any old emails.

On the Outlook Web application :

  1. Click on the gear and scroll down to
  2. View all outlook settings
  3. Click General tab
  4. Storage to see what folder takes the most storage
  5. Select folder you want to clear and select what you want to empty
  1. For deleted and Junk, I suggest all
  2. Sent – 12 month or older
  3. Inbox – 3 or 6 months or whatever you think it is appropriate.

Graphical user interface, text, application, emailDescription automatically generated

Please reach out to PC Support with any questions.

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