How to Manage Pop-Ups in Chrome
The easiest way to start, though, is making sure Chrome is up to date. You can learn about other new Chromebook features here. However, managing pop-up blocking in Chrome browser begins with five basic actions.
Enable Chrome's Pop-Up Blocking Feature
1. Click on Chrome's menu icon in the upper-right corner of the browser and click on Settings
2. Type "Pop" into the Search settings field.
3. Click Site Settings.
4. Under Popups it should say Blocked. If it says Allowed, click Pop-ups and redirects.
5. Turn off the switch next to Allowed.
Check Your Approved List of Sites
1. Follow steps 1 to 4 above.
2. Scroll down to Allow and click on a three dots icon.
3. Select Remove.
4. Repeat 1 through 3 as necessary.