How to Check and Release Legitimate Emails from Outlook Online Junk Folder and MS Exchange Quarantine

How to Check and Release Legitimate Emails from Outlook Online Junk Folder and MS Exchange Quarantine

Purpose: This article provides instructions for Vantage Apparel employees on how to effectively manage and release legitimate emails that have been mistakenly placed in the Outlook Online Junk Folder and Microsoft Exchange Quarantine.

Scope: This guide is intended for all employees using Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange Online for email communication.


Checking and Releasing Emails from Outlook Online Junk Folder

1. Accessing the Junk Email Folder:
   - Open your Outlook Online.
   - Navigate to the 'Junk Email' folder located in the folder pane on the left side of your Outlook window.

2. Reviewing Emails:
   - Skim through the emails in the Junk Email folder.
   - Identify any legitimate emails that were incorrectly marked as junk.

3. Releasing Legitimate Emails:
   - Right-click on the legitimate email.
   - Select "Not junk" or "Mark as not junk" from the context menu.
   - The email will be moved to your Inbox.

4. Ensuring Future Delivery:
   - To prevent future misclassification, add the sender's email address to your Safe Senders list.
   - Go to 'Junk Email Options' and then to the 'Safe Senders' tab to add the address.


Checking and Releasing Emails from MS Exchange Quarantine

1. Receiving Quarantine Notification:
   - You will periodically receive a notification from

2. Accessing Quarantine Portal:
   - Click on the “Review Messages” link in the notification email.
   - Alternatively, access the quarantine directly via [Microsoft Exchange Quarantine Portal](

3. Reviewing Quarantined Messages:
   - In the portal, you'll see a list of your quarantined emails.
   - Review the list to identify any legitimate emails.

4. Releasing Emails:
   - For any email you identify as legitimate and not spam, select it.
   - Click the “Release” button to send it to your regular mailbox.


Additional Tips:

- Regular Checks: Regularly check both your Junk Email folder and the Exchange Quarantine to ensure you're not missing important communications.
- Bookmarking the Quarantine Portal: For easy access, bookmark the quarantine portal link in your browser.
- Staying Vigilant: Be cautious of phishing and spam emails. When in doubt, consult with the IT department before releasing an email from quarantine or junk.



Regularly monitoring your Junk Email folder and MS Exchange Quarantine is crucial to ensure that important emails are not overlooked. This practice plays a vital role in maintaining efficient communication and operational success at Vantage Apparel. If you encounter any difficulties or have questions, please contact the IT department.

Date: January 16, 2024

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